Ever look at someone who gets up at the butt crack of dawn
to start being productive and think, “Man, fuck that person”? That used to be
me. Now? Now people look at me and think, “Man, fuck that person.”
Don’t get me wrong, I still adore sleeping in when possible, but that’s more of a rarity these
I used to drag myself out of bed with just enough time to
get dressed, grab a cup of coffee, and shove the kids out of the house. That
was back when I was still in school, but even when I didn’t have class in the
mornings I would struggle with my productivity levels. The end of my days were
packed with a sudden onslaught of everything I’d ignored that day.
This didn’t just start after kids, either. Back at 19, I
lived a mere 5 minutes from the University of Memphis campus. I signed up for
an 8 a.m. class, and then proceeded to show up only twice. It’s OK, I ended up
dropping out anyway. (Stay in school, kids.)
Soon after finishing my degree, I was still working from
home, and it made financial sense to take my kids out of daycare and the
after-school program. My age-old trick of just
sliding by in the evenings wasn’t cutting it anymore, and I knew what I had to
do – wake up before my already early-rising kids. Which sounded just about as
pleasant as receiving a hair cut from a T-Rex. It took some time, but here are
the 4 steps I made to make it happen.
My mornings look less like this and more like a hungover zombie. |
1. Went to bed early
Look, this one isn’t groundbreaking, I get it. But I used to
routinely stay awake until midnight or one in the morning, which generally
contributed to my inability to do little else than hit the snooze button for
half an hour. So did I just hit the hay with lights out at 9:30 and conk the
eff out? Nope.
In order to make going to bed early actually work, I put off
reading time until I went to bed. That way I had something to actually look
forward to and could easily roll over and go to sleep as soon as I felt ready.
2. Made plans for the morning
The first morning that I rose before the sun and managed to make it
downstairs was disorienting. I was up early, but what was I supposed to be
doing? Maybe I would eat breakfast first, or get a bit of writing done, maybe
take care of a few work assignments. Ultimately, I didn’t get anything done. I
sat on the couch watching The Mindy
Project while downing cups of coffee. Relaxing, but the complete opposite of productive.
My mornings have routine now. First I get up, wash my face,
then enjoy a cup of coffee while I make my daily to-do list. It may not seem
like much, but it’s the definitive starting point to my day.
3. Moved my phone
Look I am like queen of the snooze button. I don’t care what time it
is or where I have to be, if it is within reach I will slap that little son of
a bitch like there’s no tomorrow. Give or take 30 minutes of telling my phone
to shut up, and my morning is off to a late start and I have to make my to-do
list while my kids are awake and begging to play video games.
My phone now stays plugged up on
my dresser, on the other side of the room from my bed. This forces me to
actually get out of bed and stumble over there without my glasses to turn it
off. By then I can’t fight the “I’ve gotta pee” feeling anymore, so screw it up
I’m up.
4. Changed my outlook
This was probably the most difficult step in all of this. It took a
tremendous amount of effort to change how I perceived my nighttime habits,
which mostly consisted of re-watching TV shows and browsing through social
media. Which, FYI, I’m in Mountain Time Zone (Arizona, no daylight savings FTW),
so pretty much everyone east of me was already in bed and no longer posting.
These nightly habits were neither
worthwhile nor were they healthy. Sure, taking a lazy night every now and then
is great, but every night? Not so much. I had to make a conscious decision to
look at early mornings as an opportunity to address the issues I was having,
and to reconsider just how much I valued my nightly habits.
Changing an aspect of yourself
isn’t easy, and before you decide to change part of who you are, it’s probably a good idea to ask yourself
you’re making this change.
Have you ever made a conscious effort to change a bad habit? How did you do it?