
Friday, June 10, 2016

Whoops, There Goes Another 2 Months...

I've pretty much accepted the fact that I'm the worst blogger ever. I remember, I forget, then I remember again and panic internally for 3 weeks straight. Maybe it's not a healthy system, but it's my system. Here are the highlights from the past 2 months, and we can move on to more exciting things next time.

My husband came home:

And it was awesome.

I was published.

In 2016's SandScript.

You can get it here.

Visited the Grand Canyon for the first time.

They were clearly overwhelmed by its beauty.

And pitched a few tents.

And now I'm writing again, which is what I'm always doing I suppose. Right now I have 2 different short stories that I'm working on and a novel that I'm scared to touch. Something tells me a bottle of wine could help me get over that.

What have you been up to recently? Any trips, new stories in the works, or a new brand of coffee at the grocery store?


  1. Great pictures, glad you had a great time and your hubby is home.

  2. Congrats on the publications! Wine helps writing hic!

    1. Thank you! And I wasn't able to wrangle any wine, but a couple of pale ales did the trick.
